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The Infant Program is committed to delivering warm and professional high ­quality attention, in accordance with child development goals. At Sunny Seeds Preschool this is achieved Language stimulation: In this core aspect of our program teachers use rhymes,

songs, and verbalizations to regularly stimulate the infant’s neural language areas.


Individualized routines: Teachers adjust different daily activities to match the

infant’s own routine, mood, and rhythm.


Sensorial stimulation: We use varied activities to stimulate all senses (smell, touch, taste, hearing and vision). New materials are being constantly introduced to satisfy the child’s curiosity and need for intellectual stimulation.


Crib allocation: each child is assigned an individual crib which is decorated with mobiles that stimulate the infant’s senses.


Bilingualism: Infants get exposed to phonemes in different languages (Spanish & English) in order to ease the transition into bilingualism which will follow in later stages.

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