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Main Areas of Learning


Language development: Expectations about expressive language are much higher in this class. Teachers plan activities that require children’s use of complete sentences and specific vocabulary words. Letters and their different sounds are taught actively and through the use of storybook reading, as well as through writing and functional reading.


Reading: The reading of stories and informative material is part of daily routine. Teachers strive to foster children’s enjoyment of reading. At the same time, they are given tools so they can begin deciphering written material.


Cognitive development: There is much to learn this year! Since we are much more than a “day-care”, we have a curriculum that stipulates a series of activities designed in increasing complexity for the teaching of notions such as: space, time, and numbers - all related to scientific knowledge, observation, and exploration. Several road-trips are organized throughout the year, which are not only very fun, but also highly educational.



Socio­-emotional development: By the time children are three years of age they tend to prefer playing in small groups and are by then able to wait in turns. Activities are planned in order to take advantage of integration, the development of empathy, and the ability to share. We orient the children towards engaging in activities with clear goals, and help them find the means to accomplish those goals. We stimulate autonomy and independence, within a structured environment with clear rules


​3 and 4 -Year Old Preschool Class

The three year old group is starting to grasp the complexities of language, and with this change comes the opportunity of further instruction. This program is focused on language development, but begins introducing important tools for later life, such as the basics of reading, identification of sets, categorization, and the use of opposites.

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